We want to empower everyone to harness their full memory capacity.

We want to empower everyone to harness their full memory capacity.


. . . are an international team of researchers in Neuroscience, Computer Science, and Human-Computer Interaction.

. . . combine basic research on human memory with applied neuroscience.

...lay the empirical foundation to help everyone improve their memory skills and maintain their memory function throughout old age.

How does it work?

Training in mnemonic techniques can increase human memory performance by a factor greater than ten. For example, memory athletes at the World Memory Championships memorize more than 130 historical facts including dates in just 5 minutes - without innate capabilities, but with memory skills acquired through training in mnemonic techniques.

Using Machine Learning to supercharge human learning

Unsere geplante, KI-basierte Plattform soll es Forschenden ermöglichen, Gedächtnistrainingsexperimente in den Tagesablauf von Lernenden zu integrieren und Langzeitstudien unter kontrollierter Messung des Lernprozesses durchzuführen. Die Forschungssoftware soll mit neuroadaptiven Technologien kompatibel sein.  Dank Künstlicher Intelligenz soll sich die geplante Software dem Lernfortschritt und den individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen der Lernenden anpassen und den Trainingsprozess optimieren.

Research questions


  • How can mnemonic techniques enhance learning in school and daily life?
  • How can mnemonic techniques be used in sign language learning? 
  • How can mnemonic techniques be used to prevent dementia?

  • What measurable neurocognitive processes contribute to the effectiveness of memory techniques? 
  • Are there individual differences that predict the usefulness of different mnemonic techniques? 
  • What is the role of navigation and visual imagery in mnemonic techniques? 
  • Can neuroadaptive technologies and virtual and mixed reality be used for memory training? 

Read more

  • How can AI help humans become better learners? 
  • How can mnemonic techniques enhance learning in school and daily life
  • How can mnemonic techniques be used in sign language learning? 
  • How can mnemonic techniques be used to prevent dementia?
  • Which measurable neurocognitive processes contribute to the effectiveness of mnemonic techniques? 
  • Are there individual differences that predict the usefulness of different mnemonic techniques?  
  • Wie können neuroadaptive Technologien und Virtuelle Realität zum Gedächtnistraining eingesetzt werden? 

our principles

Open Science

We make all components of the scientific process openly accessible, comprehensible and usable. Because we are convinced that open participation and transparency in knowledge transfer are necessary to improve our society.

Science Communication

Only if people understand our research can they use it to improve their everyday lives. This is why accessible communication of our research findings on our website is important to us.

Educational Equity

Our planned memory training technology will be made freely available to all learners. This is the only way to empower everyone to reach their full memory potential to succeed in school and everyday life.

Our supporters

MnemoLab wurde als eine der 100 besten Ideen für das Bildungs-, Wissenschafts- und Innovationssystem Deutschlands mit dem Wirkung hoch 100 Award ausgezeichnet und vom Deutschen Stifterverband gefördert. Aktuell werden wir von der Stiftung Bildung durch den Förderfonds „Chancengerechtigkeit“ gefördert. 

Our partners

Leipzig, Germay: Research and application on AI, VR/ML

Edmonton, Canada: Forschung zu Gedächtnisprozessen- & Techniken

Stuttgart, Germany: Neuroimaging and Neuroadaptive Technologies

Munich, Germany: Learning curve visualization and implementation of psychometric tests

Edmonton, Canada: Application in the field of Cognitive Health & Rehabilitation

Cologne, Germany: Software development, VR, gamification

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